Tag Archives: tom merritt

UZER episode 15 : You Haven’t Poked Bob

1 Dec
For the latest and greatest UZER podcast please subscribe to us in iTunes.  Just type ‘UZER’ into the iTunes store.  Thanks!
This week: Facebook’s redesign, Google Wave issues, Mobile Gmail updates, Handbreak upgrade problems, Tweetie for iPhone updates, Google Navigation official on the G1 and myTouch3G, V and Glee getting delayed, and Tom Merritt’s (@acedtect) iPhone 4.0 wishlist.
Special thanks again to Tom Merritt.  Tune in next week for our 2009 YEAR-END APP AWARD SHOW!

UZER episode 14: Guests Tom Merritt & Joe Hewitt

23 Nov

This week talk about iPhone screen output, the HTC Dragon and Trillian for iPhone.  Special guest Tom Merritt (@acedtect), from CNET, talks about how he uses technology on a daily basis.  Our second guest Joe Hewitt (@joehewitt) discusses ceasing native iPhone development for Facebook and chats a bit about Chrome OS.

Next week join us for another segment with Tom Merritt’s requests for iPhone 4.0.

Listen Now – 1:05:03 – Subscribe in iTunes

Follow us on Twitter: @uzerpodcast

Special thanks to Tom and Joe for joining us this week.