Tag Archives: things

iOS UZER #6: Elephant Notepad Style

28 Jul

Another week and another iOS UZER to help you pass the time. This week is pretty much all about apps! New updates to things, taska, 1password, and more. We also continue our discussion on the best way to manage your to-do’s. All that and more this week on iOS UZER.

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UZER 5/3/2010: The Secret of AC Slater

3 May

This week on the show we carry on with our weekly 1 hour show variety format.  We talk about some of the current stuff for the week.  In news we talk about HP buying Palm, Apple buying Siri (to make a Ford Sync competitor?), the black Wii.  In Media we talk about our weekly viewings, our FINAL round of LOST theories, and AC Slater’s dark past solved.  App picks this week include 1Password for Windows, Penultimate for iPad, and Taska for iPhone/iPad.  Taska is a really interesting alternative to Things, so if you need a new full-featured GTD solution listen to the show.

Thanks to TheRawkOutKid and Tom for your contributions this week.

Email us: UZERPodcast@gmail.com

Direct download: uzer-5-3.m4a

UZER episode 16: 2009 UZIES App Award Special

7 Dec

This week is the 2009 App Award Special featuring Mike and Reece’s favorite apps in utility, productivity, media, GTD, social, communication, photography and more.  Other chat includes the Crunchpad Saga, Motorola Droid slate, Apple buys Lala, and the drama brought upon us this week by Glee and the Office. Special guest Ellen, Mike’s girlfriend, stops by to tell us her favorite apps of the year as well as the biggest app fail of 2009.

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@UZERPodcast @michaelgiannas @reecewissler @ellen_fang

Join us next week for our 2009 UZIES: TV & Movie Award Special.