Tag Archives: photoshop

iOS UZER #30: Factually Delayed

26 Apr

The white iPhone is finally upon us, or so it seems. More rumors coming out from suppliers about how the iPhone 5 will be coming out later than expected. Apple hires a carbon fiber expert, what does this mean for its products? Adobe releases three photoshop companion applications for iPad. A component supplier states they are having problems with their chips and some speculate what effect this will have on Apple. The Flip is dead and what does that mean for the industry?

App Picks: WWE Slingshot, SleepUp & Tweetbot.

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UZER episode 5: 64-Bitness

21 Sep

This week we mention a Google real-time search utility from Steve Rubel and Google Fast Flip. In media, we chat about this week’s editions of The Office and Community. Mike and Reece also dive into Heroes and Lost. In apps we talk about Mac image editor Pixelmator.  We had some minor audio issues but they should be taken care of next time.

Listen Now – 1:02:33

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Relevant Links

Steve Rubel’s real-time search bookmarklet.

Google Fast Flip

Pixelmator for Mac

Pixelmator Tutorials