Tag Archives: netflix

iOS UZER #24: The Weekly Daily

2 Feb

This week on iOS UZER we discuss some of the following news stories from the iOS world:

-A future app available in Cydia that will enable Voice Control for everything.

-Google Rolls out Instant Previews for websites on iOS search results.

-Apple TV streams more Netflix videos than iPad.

-The Barnes and Noble Nook gets an Android 3.0 port.

-The Daily, an iPad only newspaper will launch in the beginning of February.

-AT&T offers unlimited data to users who used to have it but switched off of it.

-Motorola Atrix has a fingerprint scanner.

Our App Picks of the week include: Wunderlist and Trickle for Twitter.

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UZER of TECH 4/5/2010: We Both Got iPads

6 Apr

This week on the show Mike and Reece review the brand new Apple iPad which each of them got on the launch day.  Other topics include the HTC Eco, Windows Phone 7, and more.  We also have our first round of iPad app picks including Netflix & Evernote.

Direct download: UZERofMedia-4-6-2010.m4a