Tag Archives: iPhone 5

iOS UZER #30: Factually Delayed

26 Apr

The white iPhone is finally upon us, or so it seems. More rumors coming out from suppliers about how the iPhone 5 will be coming out later than expected. Apple hires a carbon fiber expert, what does this mean for its products? Adobe releases three photoshop companion applications for iPad. A component supplier states they are having problems with their chips and some speculate what effect this will have on Apple. The Flip is dead and what does that mean for the industry?

App Picks: WWE Slingshot, SleepUp & Tweetbot.

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iOS UZER #30: NFC: Will it Dominate?

14 Apr

Reggie KongThis week on iOS UZER we discuss a top 12 list of the best user interfaces this year and the list includes some of our favorite apps from the iOS ecosystem. The iPhone 5 rumors just won’t stop these days and there’s more chatter this week about the potential NFC capabilities of the next iPhone. Google appears to be having a change of heart on how open it really is with the newest releases of Android. We talk about the evolving looks of Reggie Fils-Aime the President of Nintendo of America. Does Nintendo have the mojo to compete with the iPhone in the mobile gaming arena?

Our Apps this week are GV Mobile+ (again), and Time Warners latest cable app.

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iOS UZER #26: Scoping Out the Competition

17 Feb

This week on iOS UZER we mainly talk about the competition. Specifically we have a long chat about WebOS and HP’s new products the Pre 3, Veer, and TouchPad. We also discuss the idea of the iPhone Nano, a potentially smaller iPhone. Have you ever wanted to run an Android app on your iPhone? We discuss an upcoming jailbreak application to do this called Alien Dalvik.

App Time: Google Translate

Pick of the Week: Monter iBeats by Dre.


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Why the iPhone Nano IS the iPhone 5

16 Feb

With all the rumors and “insider sources” I thought I’d share my perspective on why this “iPhone Nano” IS the iPhone 5.   Lets start with the obvious, we heard a while back that the iPhone 5 would have a total redesign. When you have something like the iPhone 4, what more can you really do in terms of design?  With Apple investing so much in their tough-as-nails glass, I don’t see them changing materials.

Instead we can make it thinner, lighter and “smaller”.  When I say smaller I mean the physical footprint of the device. The screen size of the iPhone will not change. I am convinced it will never change; even if 4.5″ screens become an overbearing, outselling standard on Android.

How will we make it smaller?  Edge-to-edge design, which is a point I agree with in the rumor mill. This is a great way to significantly reduce the size all around.  Thats right all around!  A small bezel at top and bottom for the receiver and mic is enough. You know what that means?  Bye bye home button.  Not sure how well it will work, but full on gesturing is  ready for primetime. I’d say volume and mute buttons can remain.  Insert proc and RAM upgrades here.

Why do I think this is true?  Because I don’t see Apple supporting a third form factor.  It would further fracture development.  As we’ve seen, increasing resolution on an iPhone doesn’t give you more real estate, but pixel density.  The point to point ratio of the iOS UI on mobile (iPhone & iPod touch) cannot change, unless iOS adapts a webOS-like dynamic scaling.  But there are not hints of that as far as I know. I could be wrong.

As for the “cheap” price, a low storage entry level version of the iPhone 5 sounds good. Perhaps 4 or 8 GB models. Question is does that mean no $99 iPhone 4?  Who knows?  This is my brain thinking in JFK airport.

Mike Giannas
I wrote this on my iPad.


Update 2/18/2011

So I guess the NY Times took two days more to figure out what I did from common sense.

Via MacStories