Tag Archives: iOS

iOS UZER #10: Don’t iPad and Drive

26 Aug

This week we talk about a whole bunch of stuff that’s kind of all over the place in terms of iOS news, apps, and other goings on. Turns out Reeder is coming to OS X and we’re very excited about it even though it isn’t iOS related. Mike tells his tale of how he attached his iPad to his steering wheel and how that worked out for him, and also an augmented reality driving application. Could Palm(HP) be releasing a device with a Retina Display? We also have a lengthy conversation about Facebook Places and the new iOS update recently submitted.

Apps picks for this weeks show include: FTP On The Go Pro, iMovie, and Incredibooth.

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iOS UZER #9: Gossip Guys

18 Aug

This week on iOS UZER we have all kinds of juicy rumors to relay to you guys. First off there are people adding to the new Apple TV rumors stating it will run iOS with apps. Another huge rumor we discuss is that people claim the Verizon iPhone is soon to be real. In minor news we discuss the iOS 4.0.2 & 3.2.2 updates which address a security flaw exploited by jailbreaks. We also briefly discuss why Camera+ was pulled from the App Store.

Our app picks for this week include: The Incident, CineXPlayer, and Flud.
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iOS UZER #5: Free Refund

21 Jul

This week on iOS UZER we talk about some new updates to iOS on the iPad and iPhone. We also discuss the potential benefits of Apple’s recent purchase of mapping company Poly9. We get a look into Apple’s antenna design labs through a video on their site. Our picks of the week include Team Viewer for iPad and Robot Unicorn Attack for iPhone.

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iOS UZER #3: Future iPod Touch, Wireless Syncing & MeeGo

9 Jul

This week on the show we talk about iTunes in the cloud, wireless iOS device syncing, future iPod Touches and Nanos, MeeGo OS, Gingerbread rumors and more!

Direct download: ios-uzer-3.m4a