Tag Archives: gsm

UZER Episode 6: John Cho Needs a Mustache

28 Sep

This week we talk about a GSM Palm Pre coming to Germany, Ireland, and the UK along with the strategies Palm may be using to price their products in the United States. Microsoft needs to hire a plumber to close all their leaks because we’ve got some discussion on their secret tablet and pink phone projects.In our Green Uzer segment we talk about the real life offspring of a Segway and a unicycle, the Honda U3-X. We also talk about speed bumps that capture kinetic energy from cars driving over them and can use the energy to power things.This weeks Apps include NetNewsWire 2.0 for iPhone, push Gmail for iPhone (and how it doesn’t work).

In our Media section we talk in brief about The Office, Community, Glee, and Fringe. We spend most of the time talking about our impressions of FlashForward, a new show on ABC.

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Relevant Links

Palm Pre

Microsoft Tablet

Honda U3-X

Electricity Generating Speed Bumps

FlashForward Site