Tag Archives: Google Voice

iOS UZER #30: NFC: Will it Dominate?

14 Apr

Reggie KongThis week on iOS UZER we discuss a top 12 list of the best user interfaces this year and the list includes some of our favorite apps from the iOS ecosystem. The iPhone 5 rumors just won’t stop these days and there’s more chatter this week about the potential NFC capabilities of the next iPhone. Google appears to be having a change of heart on how open it really is with the newest releases of Android. We talk about the evolving looks of Reggie Fils-Aime the President of Nintendo of America. Does Nintendo have the mojo to compete with the iPhone in the mobile gaming arena?

Our Apps this week are GV Mobile+ (again), and Time Warners latest cable app.

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iOS UZER #20: Hello iOS 4.2

6 Dec

This week on iOS UZER we followup on our previous discussion of Google Voice, Talk about RIM’s tomfoolery comparing their new Playbook tablet with the iPad, and we once again discuss updates to our favorite calendaring application Calvetica.

Our main discussion involves all thing new about the recently released iOS 4.2.1 update. All this and more this week on iOS UZER!

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iOS UZER Podcast #15: Google Googles Comes to the Block

20 Oct

This week on the show we talk about Yahoo messenger, Google Goggles for the iPhone with Noogle Noggles, Google Voice- Boxcar hacks for iPhone, Calvetica updates and more.

Direct download: ios15.m4a

iOS UZER #14: A Social Network for Pokémon

28 Sep

Another week goes on and we’re here still here letting you know all the relevant things going on in the iOS universe. Some topics from this weeks most awesome show include: iAds market share and developers love for iAds, Facebook pushing random friends check-ins, 23% of iPhone users would switch to Verizon if it was available, Microsoft could be making iPad apps, we debate whether Android is really open or not, Apple raking in all the mobile profits, & paying with your iPhone courtesy of Visa.

Our app picks for the week include Nike+ GPS, TWiT Powered by MediaFly, & GV Mobile+.

direct download

UZER Episode 4: Fake House in the Hamptons

14 Sep

This week on Uzer we’re changing things up a bit, which you should notice in a few more days, but this weeks episode is still jam packed with news and discussion.

We have long tech discussion about Quickoffice and Documents To Go for the iPhone, and which one wins our usage test. A new segment called “Seinfeld or Tech Industry Leader” where Reece tries to guess whether certain quotes are from the famous TV show Seinfeld or from a real person in the technology field. We also talk about Glee, Vampire Diaries, and other shows we’ve been watching in our TV section.

Listen Now – 1:08:59

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News UZER:

New iPods

802.11N finally ratified by the IEEE (after 7 years)

Google Voice gets some SMS updates

Palm puts out a new WebOS Phone

UZER Discussion:

Quickoffice for iPhone

Documents To Go for iPhone