Tag Archives: google phone

UZER episode 24: Google Phone Pricing and Chatter

4 Jan
Today Mike and Reece review the latest hard specs on the Google Phone as well as pricing information and a UI discussion.

Let us know what you think: UZERPodcast AT GMAIL dot COM.

Images in the podcast via Engadget.


Direct download: ep_24_1.m4a

UZER episode 17: Nexus None

14 Dec

This week we introduce our new shorter format.  Expect 2-4 episodes per week in such fashion.  We discuss the 2010 HTC lineup as well as the Nexus One and if it makes sense to be sold unlocked.

Right after recording some news broke, however our discussion is still pretty valid.

Listen Now:  AAC – 23:50 | Subscribe via iTunes


HTC 2010 Lineup (engadget)

The Nexus One Announced for TMobile (mashable)