Tag Archives: Glee

UZER Weekly Roundup 12.20.2009

20 Dec

This week on the UZER podcast we introduced something a bit different.  Shorter shows, multiple times per week.  Basically we’re trying to create more focused shows on interesting topics in tech and media/tv.  Our 4 episode this week ranged from Google Phone to JooJoo to Glee to District 9.  Feedback welcome!

UZER episode 17: Nexus None (Download AAC: 23:50)

We take a look at the 2010 HTC smartphone lineup and the logic of a Google Phone.

UZER episode 18: JooJoo Thoughts & Ubuntu Netbook Remix (Download AAC: 23:50)

Thoughts on the JooJoo demo on Engadget as well as our experiences with Ubuntu Netbook Remix.

UZER episode 19: 2009 UZIES TV Awards (Download AAC: 31:24)

Reece and Mike award their favorite existing and new television series’ of the year.

UZER episode 20: 2009 Movie Favorites (Download AAC: 31:24)

We pick our favorite films in sci-fi, comedy, drama and more.

Let us know what you think of the show: UZERPodcast at GMail dot COM.

Twitter: @UZERPodcast, @reecewissler, @michaelgiannas

UZER episode 19: 2009 UZIES- TV Awards

16 Dec
Today on the show we award our favorite television from 2009. Categories include best new/existing comedies, best new/existing dramas, favorite scene in an episode, favorite episode of a series and much more.

Check back tomorrow for our UZIES Movie Edition right here at UZERPodcast.com.

Follow us on Twitter @UZERPodcast or email us UZERPodcast at GMail dot com.


UZER episode 16: 2009 UZIES App Award Special

7 Dec

This week is the 2009 App Award Special featuring Mike and Reece’s favorite apps in utility, productivity, media, GTD, social, communication, photography and more.  Other chat includes the Crunchpad Saga, Motorola Droid slate, Apple buys Lala, and the drama brought upon us this week by Glee and the Office. Special guest Ellen, Mike’s girlfriend, stops by to tell us her favorite apps of the year as well as the biggest app fail of 2009.

Listen Now – AAC |   Subscribe via iTunes

Follow us on Twitter
@UZERPodcast @michaelgiannas @reecewissler @ellen_fang

Join us next week for our 2009 UZIES: TV & Movie Award Special.

UZER Episode 6: John Cho Needs a Mustache

28 Sep

This week we talk about a GSM Palm Pre coming to Germany, Ireland, and the UK along with the strategies Palm may be using to price their products in the United States. Microsoft needs to hire a plumber to close all their leaks because we’ve got some discussion on their secret tablet and pink phone projects.In our Green Uzer segment we talk about the real life offspring of a Segway and a unicycle, the Honda U3-X. We also talk about speed bumps that capture kinetic energy from cars driving over them and can use the energy to power things.This weeks Apps include NetNewsWire 2.0 for iPhone, push Gmail for iPhone (and how it doesn’t work).

In our Media section we talk in brief about The Office, Community, Glee, and Fringe. We spend most of the time talking about our impressions of FlashForward, a new show on ABC.

Follow Us on Twitter: @uzerpodcast

Listen Now – 1:17:39

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Relevant Links

Palm Pre

Microsoft Tablet

Honda U3-X

Electricity Generating Speed Bumps

FlashForward Site

UZER Episode 4: Fake House in the Hamptons

14 Sep

This week on Uzer we’re changing things up a bit, which you should notice in a few more days, but this weeks episode is still jam packed with news and discussion.

We have long tech discussion about Quickoffice and Documents To Go for the iPhone, and which one wins our usage test. A new segment called “Seinfeld or Tech Industry Leader” where Reece tries to guess whether certain quotes are from the famous TV show Seinfeld or from a real person in the technology field. We also talk about Glee, Vampire Diaries, and other shows we’ve been watching in our TV section.

Listen Now – 1:08:59

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Follow us on Twitter: @UzerPodcast

Leave your feedback in the comments.

News UZER:

New iPods

802.11N finally ratified by the IEEE (after 7 years)

Google Voice gets some SMS updates

Palm puts out a new WebOS Phone

UZER Discussion:

Quickoffice for iPhone

Documents To Go for iPhone